
  • 2024


    Out of the Comfort Zone: Europe and the New World Order

    34th Frankfurt European Banking Congress – 22 November 2024


    [© dfv Euro Finance Group / Photos: Mathew Cleveland]

    Opening keynote speech:
    „Follow the money: channelling savings into investment and innovation in Europe“ [Text]
    Christine Lagarde, President, European Central Bank

    „Joint European responses to the challenges we face“ [Text]
    Joachim Nagel, President, Deutsche Bundesbank

    „Central banks and the unleashing of European growth“ [Text]
    François Villeroy de Galhau, Governor, Banque de France

    „A common call for a Franco-German revival“, originally published in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and Le Monde on 22 November [Text]

  • Navigating in a World at Risk of Fragmentation

    33rd Frankfurt European Banking Congress – 17 November 2023


    [© dfv Euro Finance Group / Photos: José Poblete]

    Opening keynote speech:

    „A Kantian shift for the capital markets union” [Text]

    Christine Lagarde, President, European Central Bank

    Keynote speech:

    „Are we there yet” [Text]

    Joachim Nagel, President, Deutsche Bundesbank

    Closing keynote speech:

    „What the Moment Demands“ [Text]

    Mary C. Daly, President and Chief Executive Officer, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco



  • 2022


    Coping with Transformational Change

    32nd Frankfurt European Banking Congress – 18 November 2022


    [© dfv Euro Finance Group / Photos: José Poblete]

    Opening keynote speech:

    “We need an Agenda 2030 for Europe” [Text]
    Christian Sewing Chief Executive Officer, Deutsche Bank, Chairman of the Congress

    Keynote speech:

    „Monetary policy in a new environment” [Text]
    Christine Lagarde, President, European Central Bank

    „The long shadow of high inflation” [Text]
    Joachim Nagel, President, Deutsche Bundesbank

    „In resolute pursuit of price stability” [Text]
    Klaas Knot, President of De Nederlandsche Bank, Member of the ECB’s Governing Council, Chair of the FSB

  • From Recovery to Strength

    31st Frankfurt European Banking Congress I 19 November 2021
    Programme – [112 kb]

    [© dfv Euro Finance Group / Photos: José Poblete]

    Opening keynote speech:

    “Commitment and persistence: monetary policy in the economic recovery” [Text]
    Christine Lagarde, President, European Central Bank

    Keynote speech:

    „Crises as a catalyst for change – lessons from the past, challenges for the future” [Text]
    Jens Weidmann, President, Deutsche Bundesbank

    Closing keynote speech:

    „State aid rules in crisis and recovery” [Text]
    EVP Margrethe Vestager, European Commission



  • 2020


    Towards a New Sustainable Growth Model

    30th Frankfurt European Banking Congress I 20 November 2020
    Programme – [112 kb]

    [© dfv Euro Finance Group / Photos: José Poblete]

    Opening keynote speech:

    „Fostering sustainable growth in Europe“
    Christine Lagarde, President, European Central Bank [Text]

    Keynote speech:

    „Combating climate change – What central banks can and cannot do“
    Jens Weidmann, President, Deutsche Bundesbank [Text]

  • Europe: New Approaches

    29th Frankfurt European Banking Congress I 22 November 2019
    Programme ->[52 kb]

    [© dfv Euro Finance Group / Photos: José Poblete]

    Opening keynote speech:

    „The future of the euro area economy“
    Christine Lagarde, President, European Central Bank [Text]

    Keynote speech:

    What the future holds – Benefits and limitations of forward guidance“
    Jens Weidmann, President, Deutsche Bundesbank [Text]



  • 2018


    Back to Normal - What Does It Mean?

    28th Frankfurt European Banking Congress |16 November 2018
    Programme ->[52 kb]

    [© dfv Euro Finance Group / Photos: Jens Braune del Angel]

    Opening speech:

    »The outlook for the euro area economy«
    Mario Draghi, President, European Central Bank [Text]

    Keynote speech:

    »From extraordinary to normal – reflections on the future monetary policy toolkit «
    Dr Jens Weidmann, President, Deutsche Bundesbank [Text]

  • Europe into a New Era – How to Seize the Opportunities

    27th Frankfurt European Banking Congress | 17 November 2017 | Programme ->[58 kB]

    [© dfv Euro Finance Group: Jens Braune]

    Opening keynote speech:

    »Monetary policy and the outlook for the economy«
    Mario Draghi, President, European Central Bank

    Keynote speech:

    »Europe into a New Era – How to Seize the Opportunities«
    Dr Jens Weidmann, President, Deutsche Bundesbank



  • 2016


    Rebooting Europe

    26th Frankfurt European Banking Congress | 18 November 2016
    Programme ->[56 kB]

    [© dfv Euro Finance Group: Jens Braune]

    Opening keynote speech:

    »The state and prospects of the euro area recovery«
    Mario Draghi, President, European Central Bank

    Keynote speech:

    »Inflation and interest rates: what goes down, must go up?«
    Dr Jens Weidmann, President, Deutsche Bundesbank

  • In Search of Growth

    25th Frankfurt European Banking Congress | 20 November 2015
    Programme ->[57 kB]

    [© dfv Euro Finance Group: José Poblete]

    Opening keynote speech:

    »Monetary Policy: Past, Present and Future«
    Mario Draghi, President, European Central Bank

    Keynote speech:

    »How to address the euro area’s economic challenges?”
    Dr Jens Weidmann, President, Deutsche Bundesbank



  • 2014


    Reshaping Europe

    24th Frankfurt European Banking Congress | 21 November 2014
    Programme ->[51 kB]

    [© dfv Euro Finance Group: Jochen Müller (1-4), Jens Braune (5-39)]

    Opening keynote speech:

    »Monetary policy in the euro area«
    Mario Draghi, President, European Central Bank

    Keynote speech:

    »Banking Union and Regulatory Reforms: Mission Accomplished?«
    Dr Jens Weidmann, President, Deutsche Bundesbank

  • The Future of Europe

    23rd Frankfurt European Banking Congress | 22 November 2013
    Programme ->[93 kB]

    [© dfv Euro Finance Group / Photos: Jens Braune]

    Keynote speech:

    Mario Draghi, President, European Central Bank

    Introductory statement:

    »How to overcome fragmentation in the European financial market«
    Andreas Dombret, Member of the Executive Board, Deutsche Bundesbank

    Keynote speech:

    »Europa hat seine beste Zeit noch vor sich«
    Dr Wolfgang Schäuble
    Minister of Finance of the Federal Republic of Germany



  • 2012

  • The Big Shift

    21st Frankfurt European Banking Congress | 18 November 2011
    Programme ->[102 kB]

    [© dfv Euro Finance Group / Photos: Jens Braune]

    Introductory remarks:

    »Continuity, consistency and credibility«
    Mario Draghi, President, European Central Bank

    Keynote speech:

    »Finanzmärkte und Politik: Lehren aus den Krisen«
    (Financial markets and politics: Lessons learned from the crises)
    Dr Wolfgang Schäuble
    Minister of Finance of the Federal Republic of Germany



  • 2010


    Beyond Crisis Management

    20th Frankfurt European Banking Congress | 19 November 2010
    Programme ->[102 kB]

    [© dfv Euro Finance Group / Photos: Jens Braune]

    Keynote speeches:

    »Macro-prudential oversight and the future European Systemic Risk Board«
    Jean-Claude Trichet
    President, European Central Bank

    »Europe’s Growth Challenges«
    Dominique Strauss-Kahn
    Managing Director, International Monetary Fund
    ->[Text] ->[Video]

  • After the Crisis

    19th Frankfurt European Banking Congress | 20 November 2009
    Programme ->[48 kB]

    [© dfv Euro Finance Group / Photos: Jens Braune]

    Keynote speeches:

    »Today’s financial institutions and tomorrow’s monetary order«
    Jean-Claude Trichet
    President, European Central Bank

    »Lehren und Konsequenzen aus der Krise«
    Dr Wolfgang Schäuble
    Minister of Finance of the Federal Republic of Germany



  • 2008


    World Currency Regime – to Float or not to Float

    18th Frankfurt European Banking Congress | 21 November 2008
    Programme ->[54 kB] | Speeches ->[1.4 Mb]

  • Global Capital – Threat or Salvation?

    17th Frankfurt European Banking Congress | 23 November 2007
    Programme ->[64 kB] | Speeches ->[236 kb]



  • 2006


    Trade Center Europe

    16th Frankfurt European Banking Congress | 17 November 2006
    Programme ->[60 kB] | Speeches ->[565 kb] |

    [© dfv Euro Finance Group / Photos: Foto Wachendörfer]

  • Eurasia - Bull Meets Tiger

    15th Frankfurt European Banking Congress | 18 November 2005
    Programme ->[68 kB] | Speeches ->[2,4 Mb]

    [© dfv Euro Finance Group / Photos: Foto Wachendörfer]



  • 2004


    Goodbye Lisbon

    14th Frankfurt European Banking Congress | 19 November 2004
    Programme ->[67 kb] | Speeches ->[592 kb]

    [© dfv Euro Finance Group / Photos: Foto Wachendörfer]

  • Identify Europe

    13th Frankfurt European Banking Congress | 21 November 2003
    Programme ->[52 kb] | Speeches ->[104 kb]

    [© dfv Euro Finance Group / Photos: Foto Wachendörfer]



  • 2002


    Europe Convening

    12th Frankfurt European Banking Congress | 22 November 2002
    Programme ->[72 kb] | Speeches ->[316 kb]

    [© dfv Euro Finance Group / Photos: Foto Wachendörfer]

  • The Euro Goes East

    11th Frankfurt European Banking Congress | 23 November 2001
    Programme ->[20 kb] | Speeches ->[596 kb]

    [© dfv Euro Finance Group / Photos: Foto Wachendörfer]



  • 2000


    Europe’s Renaissance

    10th Frankfurt European Banking Congress |17 November 2000
    Programme ->[52 kb] | Speeches ->[220 kb]

    [© dfv Euro Finance Group / Photos: Foto Wachendörfer]

    Programs and speeches from the years prior to 2000 can be made available upon request.